


文章: 5 Reasons for Women to Start Boxing for Fitness

5 Reasons for Women to Start Boxing for Fitness

5 Reasons for Women to Start Boxing for Fitness

Athena Fightwear 5 reasons women should start boxing muay thai kickboxing

For a long time boxing remained mostly a male-dominated sport, but now with the rise of women in all sports and the evolving perception of femininity though fitness influencers and athletes showing strength as beauty, the world of combat sports is becoming more and more open and jam packed with female talent. Here's our 5 top reasons to take up boxing if you've been thinking about getting started!

1. It's a serious full-body workout (and calorie burner!)

We're not kidding when we say full body - you'll be working your arms, shoulders, chest, core, back, glutes, hips and legs - everything! Plus it's never solely cardio or strength - you'll do cardio-improving drills, HIIT style exercises to improve strength, and a bit of both during combos, heavy punching bag or pad work. The best part? It's always changing and super fun, so you don't even feel like its a workout!

2. You'll feel badass and get a massive confidence booster

Once you put your handwraps and gloves on and start hitting some power shots, we guarantee you'll feel like a real life Black Widow in training. Discovering how powerful you can be and pushing yourself outside your comfort zone will give you a huge confidence booster and you find out just how much of a superwoman you really are.

3. It's more than just a workout - you'll improve your mental strength,  reflexes and hand eye coordination

More than just punching, burpees and skipping, boxing will also improve a plethora of other things you never thought about. You'll see an increase in mental strength as your body is tested by moving in new ways (and trying to remember those combos 😂), plus you'll improve your reflexes and hand eye coordination by learning how to defend, dodge and counter accurately. 

4. Stress relief!

Ok this is an obvious one - who doesn't have days where they just want to punch things I mean?!

5. The community is genuine and you'll find it wherever you go in the world

One of the best things about boxing is finding your tribe of like-minded women all around the world. From your local gym to instagram and even to gyms you might visit overseas while on holiday, you'll always be welcomed into the community.

Athena Fightwear 5 reasons why women should start boxing muay thai kickboxing

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