文章: How to Wash & Care for your Handwraps

How to Wash & Care for your Handwraps
So you've gone for a training session with your Athena Fightwear Handwraps and now have a sweaty mess of wraps sitting in your gym bag. What to do with them? Well for one, we recommend NOT leaving them in your bag to build up bacteria and a horrid stink - nasty!
After every session, we recommend washing your wraps to maintain good hygiene, especially amidst a pandemic. Your hands, gym bag and friends around you will thank you for it.
What You'll Need:
- Your sweaty handwraps
- Your Athena mesh laundry bag (that came with the handwraps)
- Laundry powder
- Washing machine or sink/bucket
Method 1: Washing Machine
For the absolute easiest and hassle-free way, we love throwing the wraps into our regular wash. Before throwing them in, check that the velcro end is closed so there is no risk of it catching on any part of the wrap or the mesh bag.
Throw the wraps into your mesh bag (even if they seem tangled, it's fine!), zip it up then add them into your regular weekly wash.
Use regular laundry powder and wash on a cold or warm wash. There is no need for any fabric softer/booster, but if you do use it there will be no impact on your handwraps.
If you are washing the white wraps, you may want to add them to your whites wash cycle so you don't get them stained from any heavy-dyed coloured clothing you may be washing.
After washing, hang dry them or leave them in the mesh bag if you do a low-heat dryer cycle.
Method 2: Hand Wash
If you can't wait until your next regular wash cycle, you can also hand wash them in a bucket of cold water with a small bit of laundry powder. Allow them to soak for a few minutes, them give them a gentle wash - avoid scrubbing the wraps to avoid damaging the metallic gold printing. Be sure to rinse them well, then hang dry them.
After Drying: Roll Them Up!
For easy storage, we like rolling them up velcro end first so that the loop is at the beginning of the roll. Just tuck in the loop fabric into the edge of the wrap to stop it from unravelling, then store them away as usual.